“Dr. Chumley, my mother used to say to me…“In this world, Elwood, you must be oh, so smart or oh, so pleasant.” For years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.
Our main character, Elwood, constantly shocks those around him. And it’s not just because of his…unusual choice of companion. He challenges his family and the well-to-dos of the community with his unbridled enthusiasm and radical kindness. When Elwood meets a stranger, he sees a potential friend. Regardless of your background or income, he can’t wait to share a drink with you. He’ll toast your good news and commiserate over your cares and concerns.
Elwood and his pal Harvey have granted me the opportunity to work with Three Brothers, one of the most pleasant theater companies I’ve ever encountered. I’ve watched this company celebrate each other’s wins and rally to support one another in tough times. And they’re quick to extend their family outward to encompass whoever walks through their doors, including this director from Chicago. The Three Brothers ensemble has poured countless hours into this show ripping up platforms, sourcing costumes, providing donuts, and volunteering afternoons at the tech booth. Many cast members doubled as build team, pitching in to fix doors, paint flats, and hunt down props. There’s a lot of love and kindness wrapped up in this show, and all that generosity has culminated in a fabulous production.
I’m so glad you’re spending your evening with us. As Elwood would say, we’re glad to know you!
Warmest Regards,
Elizabeth Swanson