Reviews are rolling in for HEAD OVER HEELS
JUL 8, 2019
They’re all pretty damn great, but only one made me cry on my way to work. Kerry Reid’s review for the Chicago Tribune was published this morning, and it’s GLOWING. There are so many great blogs and publications reviewing theater in the city; it’s a little silly to get wide-eyed over the old school paper of record. But I have to admit, seeing a (positive) review in the Tribune for a show I directed has been a dream of mine since I moved to Chicago almost 5 years ago. And anyway, Kerry Reid is fabulous. Here’s an excert I’ll be toasting to tonight:
The end result feels like what might happen if a road company of “Kiss Me, Kate” decided to moonlight at ’80s Night in a queer dance club. If that doesn’t sound like fun to you, then this obviously won’t be your show. But having seen the Broadway production last fall, I can safely say that Derek Van Barham and Elizabeth Swanson’s staging succeeds at melding bombastic self-conscious theatricality with warm intimacy and a winning, goofy desire to please.
-Kerry Reid, Chicago Tribune